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A family moment with ice cream

Down the road from where I live is a cute little town, and in that cute little town is a great ice cream place called "The Ice Cream Station". Behind it is the Southside Diner which Rick and I have not had the chance to visit, but are told we need to.

But tonight it is all about ice cream. I love walking into there because it has a 1950's feel and vibe about it. All they need is a great soda counter set up that you can sit at so I can put on a poodle skirt, throw my hair in a pony tail and sip from a straw my most favorite ice cream dessert: a Chocolate Malt Milkshake. Maybe even share with my greaser husband. He so would have been the bad boy, black leather jacket, white t-shirt, greased back hair (when he had some) riding around on a motorcycle. Oh, so dreamy, and I would have fell for him back then, like I fell for him 17 years ago.

Speaking of which, I met him exactly 17 years ago today. On my 20th birthday, which is a story for later, this is about ice cream and the 50's.

Nothing distracts Kadence from her ice cream.

The mega ice cream cone. Chocolate and mint chocolate chip, does he eat it all? stay tuned, can he do it? wait and see...

Jakob, oh so cute, his curls just make my heart melt.

Rick's favorite is the root beer float. Probably because it has the name beer in it.
But it has to be good, it can't be that fake stuff, we are talking real homemade root beer...

A car cruise had been there and the guys behind us were reliving the past and talking about their rides. Oh how I coveted that. Their old cars, not them...

One of my many dreams is to own an old 40's or early 50's car. I just love the look of them, and can imagine myself driving in one, cruising around, looking for the greaser on the motorcycle...

Chocolate, almost done...

Jakob is done, looking over and thinking about snagging dad's root beer float.

"Don't even think about it shortie."

...and Krischan is still going strong.

After Kadence finished her ice cream, she hijacked my malt. Which was ok, I am not as possessive about my milkshake as Rick is about his float.

Now is your chance Jakob! go for it, the phone came out, he will never notice...

oh no. It looks like he is slowing down. The look on his face tells us he is just taking a break. But you don't know him and I am sure you are seeing that he is done.


He is back in the ring.

The next best thing is the juke box. No money needed, just pick your favorite song and listen to it play. CD's flipping around in there is the only modern twist. I so need one of these in my office. I wonder how much it would set me back...

maybe I should just settle for itunes right now. My birthday song this year? It's my party by Lesley Gore. I know it is a 63 song, but hey, it has that sound...

And he did it!! Yes, he ate the whole thing. Then puked in the back of the van on the way home. Not really, but come on... how boring that he didn't.

What a great family memory this was. File it away...


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